Watching the last 2 games, it is clear that Lebron wants to hand the reigns over the AD. He is almost 39 and is still very much the engine that runs the team. He has been waiting years for AD to start demanding the ball, hold teammates accountable, and become a vocal leader. It hasnt happened yet.

Lebron is a smart guy. He must realize by now that it isnt going to happen. He has looked more passive over the last 2 games, which I assume is because he is old and wants someone else to do the heavy lifting. AD just hasnt been that guy. AD should be considered up there with guys like Embiid and Jokic as far as talented bigs go, but he isnt. He has the skills, but he doesnt know how to use them unless if shot is falling.

So here is what I suggest.

The Lakers should trader AD to the Hawks for a Jaylen Johnson. JJ has proven to be an up-and-coming star. He will probably end the season with the MIP award and be an All Star next season. He is the future. The Hawks can send him and picks to the Lakers for AD. The Lakers get a talented player who got that dawg in him, while the Hawks get the size that they desperately need, while also not having to worry about paying their young players as the emerge in to stars.

Win win right? Who says no?

  • bobbdac7894B
    11 months ago

    Ad was the best player on the Lakers last night

  • ninofati88B
    11 months ago

    No idea which game you’re watching, but definitely aint the Lakers cause AD was the MVP today putting up 30/12 with DPOY defense to carry the team. Sure, LeBron was clutch but he only had 21 points. Lol.

    If this keeps up, AD would avg 28 and Brons avg would drop to around 24 ish which makes AD the No. 1 option this seasn.

    You just have to calm the f down and wait it out. Nothing needs to change. Also, watch the right games cause you sure ain’t deducing the right things watching these ‘2 games’.

  • RVAIsTheGreatestB
    11 months ago

    The Hawks would be a second-tier contender and finally really make that leap as a team from somewhat of an also-ran status to a real dark horse but I don’t think they’re in a position currently as a team to make an all-in trade of that nature. They’re still in a bit of a reset, developmental process as a team at the moment.

    In all seriousness, though, AD isn’t a self-creator. That’s not his game, so the idea he’s someone you can really built out an offense through is just not realistic. He does need to be more aggressive on a game to game basis, he does need to hold himself more accountable for his performances on a game to game basis, he does need to be more vocal, but that’s not something he’s ever going to be. That doesn’t mean he isn’t someone who doesn’t play hard, because he does. I think we need to delineate between those two things a bit.

    He plays hard and he absolutely has passion for the game of basketball. He’s just not a natural leader and that isn’t an indictment necessarily. Just not in his nature. Bron has to be this team’s #1 because they don’t have much in the way of shot creation or playmaking around him. That’s where the fingers need to point. This roster is a solid one but they aren’t loaded with firepower offensively and thus Bron has to take up that slack.