Did the refs call a flop on Melton?
This game has been ugly as fuck
Literally just a constant flop contest + Dejounte being terrible
Shit was so bad even Trae was shook
guy needs some lessons with cp3 on how to get that rip through
With how the refs been, I can’t blame Melton for thinking he’d get a call there
Honestly I can’t blame any player for trying to draw fouls and shit. Refs suck.
Trae is the last person you should try to flop against lol
Whats really funny is the 76’ers announcers were claiming it was a foul, and commented on how Trae shouldn’t laugh because its not that funny if you are Melton. Those announcers are realky something special.
It’s Alaa man. We hate it.
What is Gucci row
Suspend him a game for this shit
Hasn’t quite figured out the technique despite Embiid’s tutelage
I can’t believe the hawks have a blue arena lol
This is why I can’t watch NBA basketball. 90% of the time this works 😂
Lmao wtf was that