Currently, I am attempting to unlock Illari and Lifeweaver, and I am not particularly happy that unlocking them separately will take so long. I have tried to win 35 games in all roles or to play as a support hero in Lifeweaver, but the fact that the support heroes are the ones that support me makes me a player who prefers to receive support from others. In some cases, I can play a decent game as a support, but this isn’t what I am playing for. I know very few people play in the superhero role. For Illari, I have to win 50 games but just play all roles or as support, which I consider more reasonable than having to win. I believe this makes it easier than the other challenge. If you are able to have both challenges active at the same time, you will be able to complete them quickly, as at the moment I do not know if I am interested in playing as Lifeweave. After all, it irritates me that I have to win what happened to play to enjoy the game now I must struggle to obtain this character, which should be the case in the first place. However, I will finish the challenge because I want to be able to play any character I want in the future, but at the end of the day, I am less interested in supporting roles as I know many players do not play them enough. To unlock Illari, I have been playing all roles for the past few days and I currently have 30 out of 50. I dislike that out of those 30 games I have played under all roles I have only received a tank once and support the remaining games. I find it so frustrating that there is something in a game that allows you to play each role every few games, or at least three out of eight games. I know the support roles are necessary, but they make me not want to play them at all.

I know people are going to say then don’t play the game don’t play as support why do you need the support characters if you’re put off from playing them as much, but it was a choice, and what I have, I might only play a few characters per role, but I want the choice.

  • WhoopsAhoyB
    1 year ago

    Just 1trick moira the entire time, that’s how i unlocked lifeweaver and kiri

  • iwillshankyourkidsB
    1 year ago

    Yeah it’s purely there to incentivise you to buy the character instead with real money. Unchecked greed ruins everything