I am going to say the biggest reason is injuries; Duren makes this team a lot different, not having him is detroying this team, especially the bench. We are missing our best and most efficient scorer in Bogy. We are missing our only PG who can both shoot and is not turnover prone; Monte Morris playing means better spacing, and a lot less turnovers Cade, Duren, Jaden, and Ausar are going wild with the turnovers due to the lack of a good playmaker other than Killian who can not shoot well enough yet.

I don’t want anyone on this team traded or fired, unless they trade the vets for draft capital. They have yet to play as a fully healthy roster, I wan’t to see what a health team does over 20 games before I decide this team full of toddlers is trash.

On the court this team is a lot better, every player has gotten better since last season, I would really like to see what this team looks like after using $65 million in cap space and letting our young guys mature instead of blowing it up so early.

Am I the only one who is actually excited about the team we have?

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  • Ok-NathanB
    10 months ago

    Our starting lineup is 5 years younger than the NBA average and basketball development takes a while. There’s your answer

  • sunnydftwB
    10 months ago

    Injuries aren’t helping, but every team in the league should expect to lose players at some point in time. Still, the roster construction has been awful, and reflects a GM that either is in over his head or isn’t being granted the autonomy he needs to do his job. (too many cooks in the kitchen?) Either way, from the draft to free agency, this roster is a failure of epic proportions.

  • Slight_Dragonfruit69B
    10 months ago

    I still am excited about this team, we just started off mad slow.I feel like our star (?) players play better as the season goes on. In both Ivey’s and Cade’s rookies season, they impressed more and more as the season went on. I think that’s what’s gonna happen again but instead of one or two players, it’ll be the whole team locking in. I’m not worried but this losing streak sucks

  • FunetikPrugresivB
    10 months ago

    Injuries are about the best answer out of what you have, but they would still be bad so none of these really fit.

    The problem is that they’re young and all individually talented in some way, but the talent doesn’t fit together. Right now, Cade does not look like a top-10 player that’s capable of carrying a team to a championship, but they’re building around him, hoping that he ascends, because he’s the best option they have.

    A guy with Cade’s athletic limitations requires space to be successful with his style of play. Unfortunately, the teammates that can play defense can’t shoot, and vice-versa.

    That doesn’t mean they’re hopeless. Again, they’re young and there’s definitely skill there. But until they each improve in ways that will allow them all to mesh together, it’s just going to be ugly, inconsistent basketball.

  • Accomplished-Rip1793B
    10 months ago

    I see a bad record, but not a bad team, and this is coming from a person that saw Isiah Thomas’s Pistons before they became champs. 4 of the current “injured” players could be starters on this team, and a good number of other teams.

    With that I’m not sure what’s really going on with Monty’s team atm… Could be doing a simple inventory… Could be showcasing players for trades at the deadline… Could be forced to play certain players… Could be giving certain players a last chance to show they even belong in this league, (here’s looking at you Killian).

    On paper they seem to be a middle of the pack team winning between 30 and 45 games, but with a new coach, pieces, and nearly no real expectations, regardless of what the owner stated, here we are the worst, so far.

  • MyomywB
    10 months ago

    The NBA is too competitive across the board for a team to be missing the amount of players we are and expect to win. It’s likely that we’ll just keep losing while Bojan, Monte, and Duren are out because every team is stacked with talent. It’s less about how bad we are and more about just how good every team is.

  • Dramatic-Objective-2B
    10 months ago

    Turnovers as a whole. Cade isnt the only reason we lead the league in turnovers per game. We would probably win 2-3 more games rn if we just cut our turnovers