I see a lot of people think tank is just a big damage and cd sponge, but that isn’t true at all. I don’t know where this misconception of the role comes from, but I really wish it wasn’t so believed in.

Tanks are aggressive space takers. They don’t sit around, hold your hand, and take all the enemy’s crap for you. They push in, kill things, force engagements and cooldowns, and allow their team to push forwards. Reinhard’s shield for example isn’t for his team to stand behind so they can be safe from damage, it’s for Rein to use for himself to push up without taking too much damage. To play tank effectively you have to use your resources selfishly (for the most part.)

  • BootyPickleZB
    10 months ago

    SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! you’re gonna piss off the hardstuck golds

    Edit: Only thing I disagree with is using abilities selfishly. Yeah, you need to prioritize your health sometimes, but using sigma shield to block off the enemy tank from enemy supports, using DVa amp matrix on your team, using rein shield to pull out an overextended DPS, throwing Ram’s vortex on Tracer’s dive target, the list goes on and on and on…. There are a lot of uses for tank’s abilities that are not only good if used for team play, they’re better that way and should be used most times in that way.