I see a lot of people think tank is just a big damage and cd sponge, but that isn’t true at all. I don’t know where this misconception of the role comes from, but I really wish it wasn’t so believed in.
Tanks are aggressive space takers. They don’t sit around, hold your hand, and take all the enemy’s crap for you. They push in, kill things, force engagements and cooldowns, and allow their team to push forwards. Reinhard’s shield for example isn’t for his team to stand behind so they can be safe from damage, it’s for Rein to use for himself to push up without taking too much damage. To play tank effectively you have to use your resources selfishly (for the most part.)
I mean…these are the same people who think big dps numbers = skill in role sooooo…
I still play open queue and we would do traditional set ups like dual tanks one as a sponge and one as a monster killer its much nicer than closed role queue tbh
The amount of tanks I play with as a solo queue Diamond support who. Just. Don’t. Move. Kills me on the inside.
They probably still stuck in OW1 mindset.
Just like they think Supports should be healbotting all the time.
Space in this game is a complex concept. I don’t blame people who think tanks are just supposed to stay in the objective or to be a meat shield. It’s way easier to understand a support or a dps job in this game than the tank job.
For example people will flame me for keeping 2 supports and a dps busy in a back line because they can’t understand the space is being created with that kind of play and the value that it brings to the team fight
I think most people understand that tanks aren’t meant to just be beefier DPS. Sadly, that’s what Blizzard is giving us. One Mei can control space better than most of the tank roster, and a Widow will shut down an entire sight line just by existing.
By contrast, a Rein will just stare menacingly through his shield for the 0.5 seconds it lasts, until he’s forced to hide behind a wall. And a Winston will exhaust all his cooldowns in order to tickle you a bit before you use one of the myriad movement abilities to escape. Any tank is only as good as the enemy support line allows him to be.
Tanks aren’t allowed to be tanks because, in a 5v5 environment, there just isn’t enough of them to go around. So instead they’re forced to play like a DPS, going for risky plays in an attempt to get a lucky pick.
SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! you’re gonna piss off the hardstuck golds
Edit: Only thing I disagree with is using abilities selfishly. Yeah, you need to prioritize your health sometimes, but using sigma shield to block off the enemy tank from enemy supports, using DVa amp matrix on your team, using rein shield to pull out an overextended DPS, throwing Ram’s vortex on Tracer’s dive target, the list goes on and on and on…. There are a lot of uses for tank’s abilities that are not only good if used for team play, they’re better that way and should be used most times in that way.
Maybe it’s the terminology which is confusing.
TIL tanks don’t think they need to play tank anymore
Reinhard’s shield for example
Personally I think Rein needs some help. As a support main, him and Doomfist are my least favorite tanks to be grouped with.
I feel like you could do both as tank protect and be a shield while also being aggressive and pushing you just have to know when and how to do it.
I had some dweeb tell me “well akshually you’re not playing dva right you need to stay back and catch damage” meanwhile I have like 50 elims, gold damage and we won the fucking game
There’s no one right way to play the game but fuck maybe just let players do what they’re good at
Other players shouting tank diff are so out of touch :-)