A few patches ago death timers were lowered. Great for the casual player who enjoys a bit of summoners rift, learning new champions and dying a bit too early while limit testing. You should not lose a normals game from dying to IllaoiMain69 while you are first timing Aatrox.
But it REALLLY sucks for competitive players and especially solo laners in higher elos.
Regardless of wavestate, if you get a solo kill in level 1 - 5, YOU are the one at a disadvantage, because they will always be able to teleport back and freeze the wave on you and now they have items + full hp and mana.
If you manage to get a recall off, you have to wait so long for the fountain to heal you up.
Unironically, its way faster from level 1 - 8 to DIE in lane, rather than to recall, wait for the time to heal up, and then walk back because by the time the deathtimer runs out, the opponent is still healing, plus the person who DIED gets homeguards while you dont.
I dont understand why the fountain has to be so slow.
I think a laner who plays badly in the early levels should be punished for playing bad. Not given the advantage.
If the fountain healing can not buffed, then at least put a penalty on teleport where you cant use teleport for 15 seconds after you die.
You should not be able to do a Sion in lane where you die to gain the advantage.
The penalty would effect the early levels, but not after level 6 because the death timers are longer than 15 seconds so it cancels it out.
It got buffed like 3 months ago?