Neelah W or E too
Neelah W or E too
True but they could just have coded it as ‘herald does extra damage if you stay within 1000 range’
SR should remain a serious game mode, riding a monster just doesn’t fit it and LOOKS troll.
For me any mage that has true damage on an ability (Lilia, Zoe, Gwen, Ahri) sounds wrong.
I’m not saying these champs are too strong, it just doesn’t fit them.
Janna buffs sounds quite big. This might increase her winrate with 1-2%.
The increased range on W is much more impactful than it sounds. It does a lot in order win the trade with the enemy adc. Now you can W - AA, while the enemy adc can trade 1 or 2 AA’s back at most. When before you already received an AA to get in range, then received another 2 to get out.
Janna buffs sounds quite big. This might increase her winrate with 1-2%.
The increased range on W is much more impactful than it sounds. It does a lot in order win the trade with the enemy adc. Now you can W - AA, while the enemy adc can trade 1 or 2 AA’s back at most. When before you already received an AA to get in range, then received another 2 to get out.
It got buffed like 3 months ago?
Before first recall (assuming it’s around level 4-5) Biscuits give 65HP AT MAX (if you really use it only when you are below 20% hp, which is not always possible)
if he ever hits you with a Q
Lol, did you ever face an Olaf hitting Q once while he is chasing you?
It reflects damage, so sometimes you want it off to not take tower aggro.
But the main reason remains the cooldown starts at the end
The 20% lost healing and shielding power on her E after cc’ing an enemy is a huge nerf on her R and (W or Q - E combo)
No joke, Trundle top with trinity force (please don’t go divine) into hullbreaker is INSANE as a splitpusher.
His Q can be used on towers (which procs spellblade passive like each 2.5-3s) + is a free AA reset + his W gives him massive attack speed forever (cooldown equals duration at level 12 with 30AH)
He is almost 3 times as fast in splitting as Yorick, ever since they reworked Hullbreaker to only work on auto attack damage.
At 12 what? O’clock?
It’s an incredible performance but what is this 12 and 13?
Ezreal ult, even on 5 enemies, isn’t that strong.
Surely it hurt, but no way it’s be in the top 10.
It doesn’t always automatically wins the fight.
A full duration fiddle ult on 5 enemies does equal damage than Ezreal ult, and fears them on top of that.
A 5 man Renata ult auto wins the fight, even when you are behind 10k gold