I’m currently listening to my HD6XX’s with my Olympus 2 FIIO DAC and was wondering if I were to change it, would it impact the sound quality much? Or is volume the only real difference?
if I were to change it, would it impact the sound quality much? Or is volume the only real difference?
The answer will change depending on how much the person answering has already spent on their gear.
Lel… I’ve spent 5 digits in total, and I say no, it doesn’t change the sound, except for some very specific pieces of equipment:
HDV-820 is an amp/DAC that can specifically change the amount of bass your headphone will have, but outside of those special cases, you won’t notice much difference.
Violectric is another brand where they are noticeably darker sounding than other brands, but these are the only brands of solid state equipment that come to mind.
Actually you don’t need to believe in any of us. Just do an ABX test on foobar2000. Convert a flac/wav file to Opus 192kbps and do the ABX test, if you pass, a DAC will change the sound to you.
The sound quality wouldn’t change. The frequency response could change slightly depending on the amp or DAC, but evergreen that would be minor and insignificant. If the sound is slight different with a new amp or DAC, it will be basically unnoticeable if you only use the new one. Only upgrade an amp if you need more power, and even a decent budget amp should be enough for almost every headphone excluding a few specific pairs.
Lol no. Anyone telling you differently is full of shit and trying to cope their way into justifying a dumb purchase.