I have lost countless games because we as a team make bad macro decisions late game; not contesting objectives, players getting caught, focusing wrong targets, not grouping up, chasing too far, etc.

When the game goes on for long enough and everyone is starting to get full builds, one player just can’t carry alone anymore. That happens way too often which is why I want to improve my own gameplay on other ways than just focusing on getting fed and ahead early/mid game.

What are generally the things that I should focus on in mid/late game solo Q environment? Should I stick with the team to make sure they don’t 3v5 or is 10 cs/min and catching side waves more important? Should I go with their game plan and calls or trust myself to make the correct plays? Teamwork is sometimes very difficult due to lack of ways to communicate and time to type.

I play top/jungle in Emerald/Plat.

  • FoxGoesBOOMB
    10 months ago

    there are a fckton of different ways to play mid/lategame, and there isn’t rly 1 way that outshines all other type of ways. The general goal in playing league of legends is to snowball (snowball means, getting more gold/exp than ur enemies) So it’s up to urself to figure out ways to get maximum gold generation for mid/lategame and early game in a-b-c game.