I stopped playing the game back in season 5ish since all my friends stopped playing and playing LoL alone is less fun especially considering the general unfriendliness of the community in game. Now the game has changed so much that more than just playing a champion well and maintaining vision, there’s minion wave control and all sorts of other crazy things that weren’t really talked about back in the days that I played.

Essentially I’d be starting at square one since all my favorite champions are reworked beyond recognition (RIP Pantheon). What’s the best way to go about getting back into the game and remembering the feeling of it actually being fun?

  • tarheels187B
    1 年前

    Just pick up 3-5 champs of a similar class that you like to play. Tanks, assassins, mages whatever. Then go from there, the bad news is that it will be super overwhelming for a little bit. The good news is that the game should feel fresh to you for a very long time. Many people quit because it gets stale, but you’ve got (???) new champions to discover which is kind of cool if you ask me.