I don’t think you really believed what I said earlier, which is fine. However in the last 4 years I think I’ve spent $20 so that’s not driving any gaming prices sorry.
I don’t think you really believed what I said earlier, which is fine. However in the last 4 years I think I’ve spent $20 so that’s not driving any gaming prices sorry.
I’ve been missing the winter rift since we last saw it. Had they done a normal pre season we could’ve gotten it then and it wouldn’t even affect ranked. Heck they could sell winter, desert, and spring type maps to go with the jungle theme we have for $25 each and they would sell a ton of them. I’d use the shit out of them for sure.
Heck balancing him for mid and support in and of itself may be tough. His Q stats could be nerfed to perhaps hurt his mid lane, but if his E and W are slightly over tuned have fun laning vs that in bot lane haha. Sustain, vision, displacement, poke, enjoy that as an immobile adc. You better have a support that can all in him and kill him.
Just pick up 3-5 champs of a similar class that you like to play. Tanks, assassins, mages whatever. Then go from there, the bad news is that it will be super overwhelming for a little bit. The good news is that the game should feel fresh to you for a very long time. Many people quit because it gets stale, but you’ve got (???) new champions to discover which is kind of cool if you ask me.
Certainly could of lost a few of those when you were pretty even kills vs deaths, but overall seemed like you played well. Anytime you’re 50 wins more than losses I’d say you’re doing something right. I got close to hitting emerald myself, but went on a loss streak right after. I’d say enjoy it, the vast majority of people don’t make it anywhere near there. It says 16% of top and who knows how smurf accounts ruin that math, so good job 👏
I think he saying 12am for the west coast, at least that’s my guess. Someone probably knows what happened last year and if the games actually start close to 3am est or 30 or 45 mins after that, but I’m not sure.
Yeah I heat ya, but trust me I’m likely legit silver either assassins. Been playing since season 5 and legit have never gotten even 10 games on one.
Trust me I’m not good enough to be a smurf haha. I bet as an assassin I’m much closer to silver than Plat. 75% of my games are Malzahar and Amumu, no chance I’d be styling on people in bronze/silver. If anything I’d bet 50 games in on Yone I’d be only 20-25 wins.
What are your 2 main roles? I feel like everyone should be able to play a few support champions. I usually play mid/top but being able to play support makes it so when I get filled to jungle or adc usually I can at least say hey I’ll support and someone will switch me and take my role. Not to mention most of my autofill games are support anyway.
Jungle is the worst auto fill for me. Feels like a different world entirely. I don’t even mind the flame from the laners tbh, but having to pay attention to all 3 lanes for optimal gank timing, being responsible for objective secures, know what pathing to take so I can get enough levels or gold to be useful. Nah just give me support or whatever role someone else doesn’t really want and I’ll do much better.