Hello fellow jungle mains,

I need your opinion on my situation because I can not explain it.

I came back to league after not playing a single game the past 2-3 seasons and playing on and off before that. I was always hovering gold and my peak in the past was Platinum promos.

So I started playing kind of regularly the last 3 months when I had time.

I placed silver and quickly moved and settled in Gold. I was feeling like I was playing well after a while when I got used to the game again and had around a 55% wr but I could not really climb since my mmr was lagging because I had lost some games at 0lp Gold 4.

After playing a lot more games my MMR started matching my visible rank and I started climbing making it into Gold 1 and after that Platinum 4. Thats were the craziness started.

I climbed from Platinum 4 to Emerald 4 within a week with a record of 17 wins and 1 loss.

While I was playing good and carrying many games, riot blessed me with teamates that first of all were playing very good and even when they were losing lanes they would not int and wanted to win.

I realise that riot updated the ranking system and everybody placed a little higher than previous seasons but I still can not explain this.

I hope to hear your thoughts. Am I improving or is it just a huge fluke?

This is my op.gg for reference: https://www.op.gg/summoners/eune/Pimp%20Kayn

  • tarheels187B
    1 year ago

    Certainly could of lost a few of those when you were pretty even kills vs deaths, but overall seemed like you played well. Anytime you’re 50 wins more than losses I’d say you’re doing something right. I got close to hitting emerald myself, but went on a loss streak right after. I’d say enjoy it, the vast majority of people don’t make it anywhere near there. It says 16% of top and who knows how smurf accounts ruin that math, so good job 👏