For road trips, will I have a similar experience or will I be really frustrated?
Here in Aus myself and my partner have never had any issues with the non-Tesla chargers. The only real pain is having to download different apps for different charging providers.
First of all, try both.
Wife wanted an eTron until she struggled with a brand new EVGo 350 KW charger. She pulled in front first, charger was centered in the parking space so either side could be used. Quite the struggle. It was heavy, the retraction line was probably too strong and she wanted to keep the cable off the paint.
If you are not slight of build and don’t mind the occasional failure it works. Many use CCS chargers in US.
I live in MN. It’s fine. Just today I used 2 zefnet chargers in small towns and they worked just fine. Also Tesla is starting to open up their chargers.