Morello’s opinion of an Invoker-like champion from 2012.

Extra context: Morello is pretty well-known for his views on “burden of knowledge” and “anti-fun mechanics.” Another fun fact. One of the earliest developers of LoL was Guinsoo. He was in charge of maintaining the DotA Allstars custom map for the longest time until his successor, Icefrog. He’s credited with implementing Roshan/Nashor and even created Invoker. Although it’s pre-rework Invoker, a champion that had 27 different spells. I believe Morello was pointing out that too much complexity is bad champion design, when he was referencing a champion like Invoker.

  • Marcus777555666B
    10 months ago

    Oh boy, you just opened up a can of worms with the mention of his name (Icefrog)