Although I have accomplished quite a bit in my short lifetime, I’m going through a stage where I feel like a loser.

I’ve been slacking off and honestly kind of board with my business. It’s at the point where I can get by without doing much work.

Everytime I come back to my hometown my family just doesn’t get it. They don’t understand my entrepreneurial mindset.

I’m 21 years old and I’ve built an online fitness coaching business.

I’ve generated multiple six figures over the last 2-3 years.

I decided I was finished with college after my freshman year and wanted to pursue my business all the way.

I moved to San Diego and I’ve been there for about two years.

Although most people would say you’re doing amazing and killing it.

I know I could be doing better.

I want a bigger opportunity, I want to work harder, and develop a vision so huge it scares me.

I feel like my next evolution is coming up but right now I’m in the growing pains where I feel a little lost and unsure of what’s next.

I have a few ideas and I’m testing out the market for them but it’s an uncomfortable period.

I feel like I’m just coasting and not growing. It’s not a fun place to be.

Any advice?

  • fanomvibesB
    10 months ago

    Dude failure is endless. Most people fail until they hit 50 years old. You’ll be alright. Don’t beat yourself over it too much. As you get older you’ll get tired of making emotional decisions (just like me) and you’ll inevitably start winning. When you get older life becomes boring. You get lonely, and literally the only place left to go is up. This is why older people are more successful than young people. You are lucky to still have your parents care about you, but when you hit 28, that’s when you realize nobody is coming to save you then you’ll start succeeding in ways that you never thought was possible when you were younger. The emotions will disappear and all you’ll be left with is a latter that will take you to the top.