Although I have accomplished quite a bit in my short lifetime, I’m going through a stage where I feel like a loser.

I’ve been slacking off and honestly kind of board with my business. It’s at the point where I can get by without doing much work.

Everytime I come back to my hometown my family just doesn’t get it. They don’t understand my entrepreneurial mindset.

I’m 21 years old and I’ve built an online fitness coaching business.

I’ve generated multiple six figures over the last 2-3 years.

I decided I was finished with college after my freshman year and wanted to pursue my business all the way.

I moved to San Diego and I’ve been there for about two years.

Although most people would say you’re doing amazing and killing it.

I know I could be doing better.

I want a bigger opportunity, I want to work harder, and develop a vision so huge it scares me.

I feel like my next evolution is coming up but right now I’m in the growing pains where I feel a little lost and unsure of what’s next.

I have a few ideas and I’m testing out the market for them but it’s an uncomfortable period.

I feel like I’m just coasting and not growing. It’s not a fun place to be.

Any advice?

  • SeedpoundB
    10 months ago

    Ride the wave of uncertainty - keep your eyes open

    • Traditional_Mix68B
      10 months ago

      Why does everyone always hate on going to college? I’m very much considering going or just taking some classes while running my business because I feel like I could learn a lot and make a lot of connections

  • Educational-Bison01B
    10 months ago

    Honestly take a break. like a good break where you’re not involved in the business, could be just one week, go someplace nice with strangers, and stress less about things you can’t control. Sometimes all you need is a boost of motivation, and most people get a new sense of creative energy after travelling.

  • arnabingB
    10 months ago

    I’d take this opportunity to take down time and learn new stuff. Treat it like a hobby. For example, learn about AI. Take a few online courses. This may help you find a new passion

  • HatchimalSamB
    10 months ago

    If you want to work harder, start working harder.

    That or…

    Play harder (enjoy your success!)

  • RussellFighterB
    10 months ago

    Join the fucking club. 100k at 21yo 170k at 22yo And now my side project is doing $25k MRR.

    But I still feel stupid and lost and hopeless. We can form a support group 😂

  • dabidoeB
    10 months ago

    21 Years old and feel like a loser? Seriously? You realize how many 21 year olds are barely scraping by and you’ve got a successful business?

    Go to therapy. Stop worrying about your business for a while. Take a vacation. I think you need to unplug and recharge.

  • lawdog_awakenB
    10 months ago

    “I want a bigger opportunity, I want to work harder, and develop a vision so huge it scares me.”

    Off the bat, with a mindset like this, I feel that some of your subconscious disconnect stems for your decision to quit higher education.

    I know you’re gonna be like “No, no, no, that has nothing to do with it.” But, the engine in the entrepreneur’s brain housing group is one that never quits productive evolutions - especially right in the middle of one. Your negative self-talk knows that you could have started your business while completing the degree, and it shouldn’t have been a money issue, since you seem to have made more than enough to cover the costs of college (unless you were going to a private institution at which point you should have just transferred to a public university).

    I’ve never quit a good idea as a businessman/entrepreneur, and education just ratified that intent. Your ambitious self is disconnected with some decisions you made in your youth, and you have to resolve that. Luckily for you, there is a lot of time left.

    I didn’t enjoy college too much either, as I also felt it kept me back. For instance, due to ongoing college academics, I turned down a partnership when I was 19 years old that eventually became a ten figure business. I don’t regret it though. It led me to take actions to shore up my present-day foundations.

    After college, I decided I wanted to serve and was trying to put in a package as a high speed Navy spec ops officer, but I thought the Navy recruiter was jerking me around. I ended up becoming a Marine Corps Officer, but had I gone to BUDs I was prepared to leave my corpse in Coronado, if necessary. You sound like you are of a similar mindset. Correct the decision you made previously and finish your degree. You’ll feel better, grow your mindset (especially since you now have real world experience), and open up other opportunities.

    P.S., after my bachelor’s degree, I later obtained my Juris Doctorate and MBA. Believe me, that is not noteworthy in the circles you want to run in (i.e., the circles of people with visions so large they scare themselves).

  • fanomvibesB
    10 months ago

    Dude failure is endless. Most people fail until they hit 50 years old. You’ll be alright. Don’t beat yourself over it too much. As you get older you’ll get tired of making emotional decisions (just like me) and you’ll inevitably start winning. When you get older life becomes boring. You get lonely, and literally the only place left to go is up. This is why older people are more successful than young people. You are lucky to still have your parents care about you, but when you hit 28, that’s when you realize nobody is coming to save you then you’ll start succeeding in ways that you never thought was possible when you were younger. The emotions will disappear and all you’ll be left with is a latter that will take you to the top.

  • Bon_VisionsB
    10 months ago

    I don’t know how to give advice.

    Being young still holds so many possibilities.

    Recently, I made a decision that no one in my family supported, but I still persisted.
    I don’t know whether the outcome will be good or bad, but I want to give it a try.

  • fr0zen32B
    10 months ago

    Honestly, you don’t have to love your business to profit from it. If I were you, I’d think about how to go about scaling it so that you can focus on other ventures or even find something more interesting to do with your current one. Most people work 80% of their time in the business and 20% on the business. If you automate that machine, you can spend 80% on the business and 20% in the business. That to me has been the fun part, at least for my business, rather than the business itself.

  • Software-InnovatorB
    10 months ago

     “I have accomplished quite a bit in my short lifetime”… that itself means you know you have achieved a lot in a short span. You are just 21, don’t be hard on yourself, slow down when needed and anticipate what should be your next step. Nothing is achieved if you expectation is too high, you will get there undoubtedly.

  • OmzzzB
    10 months ago

    I would love your problems lol

  • SaleLoreB
    10 months ago

    Energy and work ebbs and flows. You are human. Even the greats failed.

  • cherry_loloB
    10 months ago

    You’re no loser. To me it sounds like the opinion of your family means a lot to you (which I get) but them reacting the way they do, kinda weighs down on your own self worth. Because of that you feel like you’re not doing enough. I’m the exact same. I’m 30 and I don’t even make close as much money as you. Still I have my small art business I’m very proud of and I taught everything myself. My family doesn’t get that either. What i did is to stop telling them about it. Stop telling them about my successes or my failures. When they ask me I just say it goes well. That’s it. It prevents getting their negative Input that im sensitive to.

    If you have enough money to do what you like If you enjoy your work And if you have the freedom others can only dream of, then you’ve already achieved more than you might think. And you’re very young. You’ve got so much waiting for you, just let it unfold and don’t force things. Life’s not supposed to be hard af and draining. That’s just the system teaching us.