For me it’s Overwatch. I really like the team based online multiplayer idea, but there are some fundamental flaws in Overwatch’s execution:

  • First person and real time: this design decision means that players don’t know where or in what state their team mates are in, makes it harder to coordinate
  • Rando matchmaking: putting strangers together and expecting them to cooperate while giving them no tools to do so (Overwatch 2 did eventually get the signal system, or whatever it’s called)
  • Play of the game: celebrates individualism in a game about cooperating, wrong incentives
  • Bad management: too many to list

So what’s a game you think has a great concept but poor execution?

  • AskThemHowTheyKnowItB
    10 months ago

    For me it’s Overwatch. I really like the team based online multiplayer idea, but there are some fundamental flaws in Overwatch’s execution:

    First person and real time: this design decision means that players don’t know where or in what state their team mates are in, makes it harder to coordinate

    WTF? If you want a 3rd person turn based game, play something else. There are countless games like that, and you shouldn’t blame Overwatch simply for being not specifically your preference of games when so many love it.

    If you don’t coordinate well, get a headset and find a team on discord. You also have pings and locators in game…

    Rando matchmaking: putting strangers together and expecting them to cooperate while giving them no tools to do so (Overwatch 2 did eventually get the signal system, or whatever it’s called)

    So you want to be forced into waiting for a game with only people you know?

    If you want a teamplaying team, go to one of the many overwatch LFG discord channels and find like-minded people.

    In game has the comm system and voice chat, what exactly more do you want?

    Play of the game: celebrates individualism in a game about cooperating, wrong incentives

    It celebrates the most showy, impressive play of the game, since it’s impossible to program it to notice if you did something effective for the team which earned no points, didn’t heal or dmg, didnt cap…

    Bad management: too many to list

    So what’s a game you think has a great concept but poor execution?

    Sounds like the only thing you liked in the “concept” was that it’s a multiplayer team game, but you want it to be 3rd person and turn-based, which is the opposite of this genre, perhaps you want to go and play a MMORPG, or a sp RPG, or a 4x game or something. Saying you want a realtime first person shooter to be a turn based 3rd person game - when there are so many of those out there, why bitch about OW??