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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 2nd, 2023


  • Uhhh you’re describing a personal problem not a gaming one.

    There are hundreds and hundreds of games around, by orders of magnitudes more variety and quality than any time in history.

    Sounds like you’re burned out from gaming too much to the exclusion of other activities, and might benefit from some exercise, social stuff, book reading, hobbies, sports, cooking, ANYTHING will be great for you and also bring back joy to gaming - doing anything all the time makes it boring, i wouldnt want to eat nothing but chocolate cake forever even if i like cake

    mix things up, this has nothing to do with availability of games - game pass alone has hundreds of amazing games of all imaginable types

  • Divinity Original Sin 2. I’ve got terminal Fort Joy syndrome.

    I just started a new playthrough a day ago, and as I type DOS2 is loading.

    This time i’ve gotten all my ducks in a row I think - the right mods (most of which are in the steam official “gift bag” but a few from workshop - extended crafting, new traits, and most of all I love the sprint-outside-of-combat and the mod where I can take all party members (6, there is a mod for 8 i think but 6 is full for me)

    Decided to take it slow and enjoy myself.

    All that said, considering I already got to one of the escape options from fort joy in like 5 hours playtime >!the kid with the boat in the prison !

  • You fucked up the tier list utterly.

    GTA includes a bunch of peoples favorite games of all time.

    Borderlands games were and are really fucking fun and set a lot of new ground for looting shooters.

    Assassin’s creed also includes some great games, and a shitload of stuff from the games has been endlessly copied by other games.

    Portal was one of the most imaginative and unique games ever released.

    Halo set new high standards in a dozen categories, and includes classic installments

    Seriously, even while gaming is subjective, your tier list is garbage.

  • Being able to quit directly to desktop, not a long ass load just to the main menu so I can then quit the game…

    Let me edit ALL the key bindings/mouse buttons/etc. Not only because it’s convenient, but because a lot of people have different abilities to use their hands/bodies and still want to play the game (I got hand surgery, and find that a ton of the games i’d like to keep playing wont let me bind crucial actions to other buttons, or to my mouse’s many buttons, etc.

    Offline mode! Very frustrating to require net connection for games which don’t really need it.

  • For me it’s Overwatch. I really like the team based online multiplayer idea, but there are some fundamental flaws in Overwatch’s execution:

    First person and real time: this design decision means that players don’t know where or in what state their team mates are in, makes it harder to coordinate

    WTF? If you want a 3rd person turn based game, play something else. There are countless games like that, and you shouldn’t blame Overwatch simply for being not specifically your preference of games when so many love it.

    If you don’t coordinate well, get a headset and find a team on discord. You also have pings and locators in game…

    Rando matchmaking: putting strangers together and expecting them to cooperate while giving them no tools to do so (Overwatch 2 did eventually get the signal system, or whatever it’s called)

    So you want to be forced into waiting for a game with only people you know?

    If you want a teamplaying team, go to one of the many overwatch LFG discord channels and find like-minded people.

    In game has the comm system and voice chat, what exactly more do you want?

    Play of the game: celebrates individualism in a game about cooperating, wrong incentives

    It celebrates the most showy, impressive play of the game, since it’s impossible to program it to notice if you did something effective for the team which earned no points, didn’t heal or dmg, didnt cap…

    Bad management: too many to list

    So what’s a game you think has a great concept but poor execution?

    Sounds like the only thing you liked in the “concept” was that it’s a multiplayer team game, but you want it to be 3rd person and turn-based, which is the opposite of this genre, perhaps you want to go and play a MMORPG, or a sp RPG, or a 4x game or something. Saying you want a realtime first person shooter to be a turn based 3rd person game - when there are so many of those out there, why bitch about OW??


    It’s sofa king addictive man… i keep trying to find an alternative like it (risk of rain 2 came close but no cigar) but no dice.

    Lots of heroes to choose from, TONS of weapons, oodles of scrolls (random each run, gives you a WILD range of buffs that can totally change your build in many ways), each hero also has a ton of ascendancies which are hero skills but you only get offered random ones every once in a while each run, so never the same options, plus there are carryover talents and unlocks so you still make progress…

    Seriously - try it

  • Or you know, you could play non-competitive games?

    It’s like complaining at a sports competition that the other team (and your team) are - GASP - trying, and practicing to get better.

    There are a million games - and settings/leagues within games, and discord servers for LFG, etc - totally catering to casual gamers, and what do you want? That people who DO enjoy getting into a game, practicing to get better, and competing for excitement — that they have nowhere to play?

    You don’t have to play that specific game, or play it MP, but it’s a good thing that people who want to try their skill out can do so, and if that’s not for you, it’s not on developers or other gamers to intentionally play poorly, it’s on you to find somewhere that better fits your tastes.