Uhhh you’re describing a personal problem not a gaming one.
There are hundreds and hundreds of games around, by orders of magnitudes more variety and quality than any time in history.
Sounds like you’re burned out from gaming too much to the exclusion of other activities, and might benefit from some exercise, social stuff, book reading, hobbies, sports, cooking, ANYTHING will be great for you and also bring back joy to gaming - doing anything all the time makes it boring, i wouldnt want to eat nothing but chocolate cake forever even if i like cake
mix things up, this has nothing to do with availability of games - game pass alone has hundreds of amazing games of all imaginable types
Path of Exile.
Play POE for hours
Decide you aught to play/do something else.
5 minutes pass
Logging into POE again
It’s the only game which has filled my need for diablo2/LOD fix - it’s everything d4 should have been (except the gfx cant compete but who cares, we all play with minimap open anyway lol)