This is a legit discussion, I’m not hating on the guy cause he’s been playing poorly recently. I’m genuinely curious at what point, should he continue this level of play, you’d give up on Benn being a starter or someone who gets solid PT.

I personally think the sophomore slump is hitting a lot of last year’s rookies hard and it’ll take some figuring out throughout the season for our guy. A lot of people expect for it to come easy once a player has a good rookie year but sometimes it takes a little extra experience to become a polished player, and I think that goes for Benn. I see flashes and really do anticipate him turning into that kind of player but I don’t think we fully see it until later in the season or next year.

My only concern is if the offense continues to struggle and his defense remains subpar, he is not really providing anything positive. If he continues to play like this, I give him until after the all star break before he is replaced at starter and I give him half way through the year next season before seeing his minutes significantly reduced. What y’all think?

P.S. I really do appreciate the work he has put in the offseason as well at least trying to improve his defense and playmaking. I simply think his shot isn’t falling and his decision making has been questionable, but I full expect him to turn it around soon.

  • RedditRockitB
    10 months ago

    Benn is trying to fit in, be unselfish and it’s affected who he is. He has improved his passing, defending and rebounding. I’ve actually been happy with these improvements but wish he was able to be a larger piece offensively. He clearly works hard and cares. Give him time to settle into this new role.

  • StanceLephensonB
    10 months ago

    2nd season and getting inconsistent PT. Watch the YouTube highlights of his game against Milwaukee and you’ll feel better.

  • Maximum-Class5465B
    10 months ago

    All year

    He’s part of the plan

    We don’t really have a choice no matter how much you all whine

    They decided to rebuild to get good at basketball

    Not play a bunch of middling vets to be a playin team.

    So as Bennedict goes so goes the team, and there’s no replacement for him

  • ArgenfarceB
    10 months ago

    No free agent is coming to rescue this team. It’s just not going to happen. Bennedict Mathurin is plan A and Z. We rock with him. I have faith he’ll develop into a top 3 SG in the league. He has the best mentality for it and the best development around him to do so.