Just wondering how everyone is feeling about Schroder? Me personally… I am sooo impressed with his performance. He is def exceeding what I was expecting. My memories of him on the Lakers was him being cocky and yappy and a distraction to some extent, but on the Raptors he has been handed the keys to the bus and is literally running with them. I did not expect this. Did you?

  • Barnicus57B
    10 months ago

    Schroder was never a distraction. Dude was praised for his leadership in LA and has been the #1 guy for the German National Team since Dirk retired.

  • Kevita24B
    10 months ago

    He is who I thought he was…he’s a very good but not great PG who will have games where he looks incredible but also has games where he’s inefficient or disappears, he’s played the same way most of his career, and he’s a very good player but not a starting caliber PG on a championship team…he’s better as a 6th man type off the bench in the backup PG role on a championship team BUT we aren’t a championship team right now so he’s kind of perfect for the role he’s in

    We needed someone who could facilitate more and not make a lot of mistakes, we needed the leadership in the locker room which is what he brings to the table

    He’s an excellent player, a very capable starter, and he gets the job done and doesn’t make a lot of mistakes which is important…but eventually, we will need to find our PG of the future unless Scottie transitions into that role

  • maltbiscuitsB
    10 months ago

    Why would you be running if you’ve been handed the keys to the bus, you should just drive the bus IMO