• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 19th, 2023


  • I’ll just answer your Q’s

    Expectations are lowered now, I came in buying the hype. But I’m not like super disappointed.

    I do enjoy Darko’s coaching. I like that he uses timeouts like a classic coach did back in the day to stop runs and callout careless mistakes (or even if the guys are gassed). My wife said to me “This season you always say ‘good timeout good timeout’ you never say ‘where is the timeout?!?’ anymore” so I guess that’s a good measure of me.

    It’s great to see bench players get minutes. It’s frustrating to see the +/- of our bench guys but I always thought “how can they develop if they do not play?” so kudos to Darko for getting more people reps.

    Thoughts on P and Barnes. Siakam was struggling early and it looked bad but he actually looks like he’s in peak performance rn. Still early days to say this of course, but it’s just nice to see him hunt mismatches in the post and the defending team has to react to it. Scottie is just getting better and better. For me the frustrating thing is how pissed/annoyed he gets when calls are missed or a teammate misses a pass/shot. Sometimes he really fires the ball at our other guys and they cant handle a 100mph fastball when standing 3 feet away from him. In 2K it’s great because auto-catch, but he’s gotta make the passes a liiiiiittle easier to catch for stonehand guys like Precious or Jakob.

    Record is okay for now I’m just glad we’re not doing a lot worse.

    I don’t hate Masai or the FO. I don’t always agree, and I know they know we need shooters, but I worry about the relationship to Pascal and him becoming untradeable. He’s amazing, but that just means his value is high. It’s tough I kind of go back and forth about this, because Scottie is great but he’s not polished yet. However if we had like oh IDK Mitchell or Lillard…well you don’t know what you don’t know. End of the day, Masai/Bobby/FO are professionals and have years of experience in the game. I’m just a dude who likes to watch this team play. So I’ll defer to their judgment.