I want Keria to get the skin he wants, so I started brainstorming.

Every Worlds, a meta and the optimal picks for winning are developed and players are limited to these list of champions if they want to win it all. And Worlds only comes around once a year.

This is boring and not really celebrating the players and their journey here.

Reaching Worlds is already a great achievement in and of itself.

But so many teams go back home without much outside of an Summoner Icon they can buy in the Shop.

There needs to be something to celebrate and recognize their journey, especially if they have much history at Worlds.

I propose that Riot should allow players to pick from champs they have played with throughout ALL the Worlds they’ve attended until they win Worlds. And once they win, then the list of which they can choose from is reset.

For example, Keria can pick Lux (2022) and Faker could pick Galio (2017) now that they have won in 2023. But Faker wouldn’t be able to pick a champion that he hasn’t played with at Worlds after winning in 2016.

What do you all think? I think this change acknowledges the journey of the players at Worlds.