I’m glad we won but if we can be honest with ourselves, we kicked 4 FGs because of our inability to score TDs, even after our defense was generating turnovers for us, Sean Payton was playing very conservatively yet again, he kept calling check downs all game, even on 3rd and long, and we lacked explosive plays aside from the plays to Court. Does SP have his work cut out for him? Will he remove the training wheels off Russ?

  • HarvardHoodieB
    1 年前

    Yeah Russ has 19 TDs… but if you take the top 5 in passing YDs excluding Russ the avg passing yards is 2,479 and the avg attempts is 321. Russ got 2,065 pretty close to Zach Wilson tbh and 296 attempts.

    Now the question we have to ask ourselves is this efficient offense or the fact that we are top 5 in TOs and most of those happen on the OPP side of the field? Psst this game holds the answer to that question