I think everyone would agree that guma didn’t have the most impressive finals showing. Of course it’s hard to do some insane play when your top is tubo gapping. And I hear DL sneaky and Metoeos are saying that he sat there doing nothing and he just won, they said replace any adc in that finals t1 would still win. So how good do you think guma is, like maybe top 3 adc in the world ?
He was chill and he did what he needed to do. You know you’re having a comfortable game as adc when you skip boots to full buy another item.
The answer is I wouldn’t rate Gumayusi based on one series alone where due to no fault of his own he had low impact since the game was decided elsewhere.
Also, Guma Keria is the best botlane in the world bar maybe Ruler Missing (depending on meta), especially in laning phase. This Worlds they were by far the best botlane. This will have affected Weibo’s pick ban and draft decisions. If you swap out Guma for a mid tier ADC it probably changes Weibos strategy, and they probably don’t opt into botlane picks that their players aren’t good at (like first timing Bard, resulting in things like the Bard ulting over a teammate Kennen ult), or having to ban Ashe on the first ban rotation blue side.
they said replace any adc in that finals t1 would still win.
That’s just the truth of the game for any team. Marksman is just the ultimate point&click stat checker, it’s kind of a neutral objective at this level of play. Adc are not creating plays in a winning team. They are following engage and CC to point&click delete peoples. This is just the nature of the role : swallow ressources and stat-check people with your team and ennemy one playing around you and your opponent marksman.
For the adc to make “plays” it require both your team and the ennemy one to missplay heavily beforehand and this just didn’t happen with T1 since they gapped everywhere.
He did his job as a weakside botlaner, while Keria roam mid and Top.
Not to mention did people forgot about his Kalista outplay on 4 members of Weibo, the one in which Senna, Tahm, Maokai and Aatrox collapsed on him?
Although Keria’s Renata helped Guma lived, his mechanics were still on Display.
T1 won’t win if DL/Sneaky/Metoes is the one playing instead of Guma cause they will just gonna give Light ten kills before 15 minutes
Before worlds I’d have said “hard to tell, he has the best support in the world”. But he a couple of plays that no other ADC could’ve done, esp the varus vs zeri+aatrox fight.
Guma is the best ADC in the world right now.