I was plat (EUW) four years ago on three accounts playing 3 separate roles, which was my highest rank, since then I’ve been coasting in gold not really trying to climb just playing ranked for fun.
This season second split I decided to climb on two of my accounts (top and support), and hit Emerald in both. Gold and plat were fun, you still have some trolls especially in gold but plat was the best experience probably. Soon as I hit Emerald the game quality took a massive and immediately noticeable nose dive. Whereas in gold/plat this might happen every 5 or 6 games, if feels like in Emerald every 2 in 3 lobbies there’s people flaming in the lobby, making demands/threats, troll picking, then in game running it down or constantly spamming in chat whilst giving up and soft inting/semi afk’ing over the slightest thing. The amount of people on loss streaks in Emerald (I use Porofessor) who are mental boom and just looking for some random to take it out on is just insane.
My last Emerald 2 game I had someone decide my Renata pick isn’t a good blind support pick so they revenge first timed Sona APC and refused to press heal or R the entire game, whilst spamming things like “NECK” and “talon e through window” at me. That’s my Emerald experience in a nutshell. I dont remember plat being anything like this bad. I’ve basically uninstalled league because cba playing in this elo anymore it’s such a miserable experience.
Azir top does work but bear in mind you might not have any frontline and Azir is a champ that kinda needs the frontline unless you’re good at Faker like engages.
Azir support is troll. Zero cc early, no damage without items, will never hit item spikes, will be severely underlevelled, etc. The key thing to remember with troll picks is that they might work in a few games if you’re lucky/it counters enemy champs and/or opponent also troll picks and/or you’re giga smurfing. But far more often than not you auto lose lane and make it high probability to lose game too. In sup it’s a lot worse unless you’re duo, since your ADC will probably throw the game on purpose since they’ll think it’s a troll pick.