Just wanted to ask what everyone else thinks of the “quickplay” mode where u instantly join a game. Im a master elo player consistently for the last year and this week I played a handful of games in quickplay. I couldnt help but notice how many platinum 4 fresh accounts with randomly generated names are dodging 100% of the skillshots I throw and just in general feel helpless when versing them (keep in mind im master and freshie plat 4 account guys are unkillable). But its always 1 per game no more, everyone else is 0/15. So yeah wondering if anyone else has had the same experience.
scripting has been a huge issue in ranked for awhile, also one of many things people tell riot is an issue with the game, now the question is riot doing something about it or are they ignoring it like all the other issues people tell them, (most likely ignoring it) esp when there are still so many bot and buyable accounts