• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023

  • the only thing that feels like a chore is the players tbh, like some of the players are absolutely horrible, heck in my games i get plat players that play like bronze, having no clue what to do or how to play the game, (one our support even forgot to buy an item let alone their support item) and then one issue i saw awhile back many seasons that ive always hated, was the fact that new accouns start out at high silver/gold+ mmr, and these players also go into ranked and just hard int, its not their fault but the mmr system

  • tbh not gonna lie id rather see their base damage values go back up to a degree and have lethality items nerf a bit, atleast just in their effects , tho riot even did say they keep champions like zed undertuned on purpose just because it feels bad to verse him

    (shrugs) idk im someone whos always think lethality was an issue since its release due to ofc any ad champion being able to buy it thus is why like graves abuses it all

  • lethality items are busted and should be removed from the game,
    so many ad champions become problematic due to such things existing for instance Briar only busted due to lethality items existing, (now they are over nerfing her due to the effects of them bruiser briars on the weak side) graves also fit in this he becomes disgusting due to being able to build collector and other lethality, Duskblade is finally getting removed so some champions cant abuse it anymore which is nice,
    but they should just remove them all. tbh i kinda wish we could go back to some of the older items to see how much of an effect that would have on things,

  • ive been saying this alot for along time esp when i climbed through gold along time ago, lvl 30 accounts and fresh accounts should never have the MMR of gold +

    idc if someones smurfing or what but start players out as iron/bronze/low silver

    idk how many people ive seen just not know what tf they are doing in ranked let alone know the basics enough to be playing ranked they just get to lvl 30 and go right into it, and those people generally go 0-10

    and if its not that they are bot accounts

  • yeah we would like to communicate more in the game, sorry weak people dont know things like mute exist in league let alone when they tried to remove all chat, when u had to OPT into all chat to begin with, u could opt out of it as well,

    communicating more in league would be benificial, like for instance VC would be so nice so we wouldnt have to worry about people typing in chat, or struggling to relay a strat to ur team, all riot would have to do is add in a mute and report function to it easily these systems already exist its the failures of the playerbase of not using them and then riot reacting to those dumb people not using these systems

    like hell valo has vc is it toxic sometimes but ull always have a little bit of toxicity, guess what these players get weeded out eventually or muted letting the rest of the normal players use vc

  • pings being removed would create more toxicity, less ways to relay proper information in the game,

    not everyone is sending death threats but there are some, alot of people sent critical feedback on why the removal of pings is bad and how it removes 6 years of progress of communication we needed in the game,

    you must be pretty low elo or dont play ranked at all if u come to this conclusion,

    if riot wanted to truely lessen toxicity in league they need to fix the issues the playerbase had pointed out that are the clear issues of the games,

    Greifing : its way to easy to hard and soft int games - effect Causes toxicity

    Bot/buyable accounts: its way to easy to just go on a website buy a 5$ bot account and run it down, theres also still bots in ranked greifing game - effect causes toxicity

    Lack of proper communication: having to rely on text to get information across removing control over ur character while u type while pings did somewhat help this issue it will never be true communication like we need being voice coms - effect causes toxicity

    High elo betting and win trading accounts : people wintrade at higher elo and use betting websites on streamers and pros - effect causes toxicity,

    Introduction of hidden lobbies: u can nolonger look at the lobbies ur about to go into and play so u cant avoid people greifing effectivly making it so they have free roam to ruin games - effect causes toxicity

    riot has the ability to fix these issues but dont, They can track all these bot accounts for instance and purge them, BUT WONT theres sites out there that u can search these accounts and it will show it

  • voice chat is severely needed at this point, valo has it, just give us a similar system, give us the option to mute people with it and report voice com abuse just incase EASY,

    and then in the long run that will give us people who dont abuse voice the best source of communication we need, elevating the game and teamwork,

    im tired of having to work around pings constantly, and then dont get me started on having to explain things through chat, which was a big issue in the past which is why we moved to pings,

  • tbh its his own fault and riots fault, they keep making increasingly bad descisions that keep getting on the communities bad side, and they know these choices are bad but they still go through with them, Riot knows its a small amount of people being truely toxic in their game and the normal players sometimes get toxic due to the actions being done in their games, be it the severe greifing thats been going on, the bought bot accounts yada yada,

    and they try to remove communication normal players need, imo league needs better communication, hell valo has voice coms league can use them too, that way we wont have to worry about people typing paragraphs in allchat, and go figure guess what MUTE EXISTS IN THE GAME, all the toxicity stems from riots inaction to actually fix the game and the issues that the playerbase keeps telling them are the issues,

    now i dont condone death threats but its the internet u cant stop them