Probably a very salty Aphelios main that lost a lot of games lately on their main and will likely be getting a break from them.
But answer me this. When was it the last time that you lost or won due to having Aphelios in your game. Not because the player was good macro wise, or their dodging was good. But because they were good at playing Aphelios, i.e. landing their skillshots, knowing their dmg and their kit etc.
Phreak was saying that champions like Yone or Riven that have multiple dashes, if they get fed they will not allow you to play the game. They become very high agency if they get ahead early. Azzapp was saying that Vel’Koz feels bad to play because of the low impact agency they have over the game whether they are 5/0 or 0/5 on the champ.
I believe the same holds for Aphelios. It doesn’t matter if you are 5/0 or 0/5, the agency you have over the game’s outcome is low. You cannot chase people, people can still run you down and you die within the first thing that touches you. Yet, if somehow the enemy team has no idea how the champ works, you might get a kill on them out of surprise. That’s not because you played well, is because the enemy has lack of knowledge of your champ.
Just need some thoughts on how to impact the game playing this champion.
In case anyone asks for rank. Currently hardstuck Masters EUNE.
Aphelios with a lead feels like one of the more scarier ADCS. You list a ton of issues with the ADC role in general, claim that Aphelios only gets kills if the enemy team doesn’t understand him, which is a laughably bad take, and I know deep down you know that aswell.