Always nice to have a victory Monday. A number of good things happening yesterday leading to a win. Growth in a young team can be hard to measure, but just like against Pittsburgh our Packers again found themselves down 4 instead of 3 due late in the game due to a PAT issue. This time, however, Love and company came through and the defense held up to secure the win. That’s growth.

Of course a far from perfect game and here are my underreactions from yesterday:

  1. The game winning drive was great and did show improvement, but the Charger defense isn’t exactly lighting it on fire. Some missed opportunities, especially in the latter part of Quarter 2 took points off the board.

  2. We got a little luck. 3 drops by the Charges in key moments helped a lot. One on a 4th down, one that was a TD by a top WR in the game, and then one that would have set up the Chargers for a game tying FG attempt as worst case scenario for LA. That last one, especially, was a significant defensive breakdown in a moment when the only truly bad thing to do is allow a WR beyond the defense.

  3. I haven’t seen a good look of what happened on the missed PAT, it may have just been a shank, which happens. On the missed FG it seemed the snap was off, disrupting the timing. These things happening 2 weeks in a row is definitely concerning.

Underreact away and I’ll be back on Friday when we are hopefully enjoying an upset victory.

A final fun note: The Packers currently hold the 8 seed in the NFC, which is one better than where we finished last year!