I listened to the game on the radio and couldn’t hear anything, but one of the reporters asked Goff about it in the post game interview.

Did anyone either on TV or at the game catch any Lions fans booing? I know the third interception was brutal but can’t fathom how anyone would want to boo this team at this point. Hoping people were just groaning and maybe it sounded similar.

  • HonoluluMaizeandBlueB
    10 months ago

    It was audible on TV, and Goff was asked about it afterwards, so he heard it. His response was pure class, which is what we’ve come to expect with him -

    “They’re upset, I’m upset. They can be upset and boo. But yeah, I think the expectations for our team are as high as they’ve ever been, and we want to win home games in front of our fans against division opponents, and today we ultimately did that.”

    When I was watching him on the sidelines after his turnovers and towards the end of the game, he was firing up his teammates and they were doing the same with him. Fans may have lost faith, but the players didn’t, and I love that Goff once again was spot on with the fans.