For those who don’t think we should fire Frank this year, and give him an additional year to see what shapes out… why? I truly want to understand what it is that you see differently than the rest of us.

We’ve had plenty of “why Frank should be fired” posts, so I’ll keep my points short for the initial post. If you’re on the “keep frank” side, please let me know what your view on these points is.

1.	We have gotten worse week over week
2.	Play calling is very clearly an issue since the pre-season
3.	Frank has shown time and again that he is set in his ways and does not adapt
4.	Keeping a coach we know won’t have long-term success does more harm to Bryce’s future and puts us in a NY Jets/Cleveland Browns type of situation.
  • Personal-Noise-8632B
    1 年前

    He has to go, I’ll add to it why!

    He’s not relating to these players, and I don’t think anyone cares to listen to him speak.

    Byrce needs a new voice someone he seems interested in interacting with. GM & coach has to go now!

    Maybe you can salvage byrce confidence and playing ability b4 its to late, bc wat hurts a qb more than anything is hesitation means he’s not confident in what he’s seeing 2nd guessing himself, and that’s cause for disaster for any qb early in their careers!