Beat the insane Quantum Break Saturday and decided to hit up Gotham afterwards. How does anyone like this game? I played for over an hour and it was one of the most unimpressive AAA games I have ever seen. Its like every aspect of it was developed to the bare minimum of functional and then they just moved on. Nothing has polish or is fun. Not even the opening of the game that is literally designed to engage and excite the player is fun.

Why is traversal so limited? You have to physically aim the grapnel gun. You can’t glide. The big part of the first mission is driving the vehicle back to base and its just so slow and boring. You drive straight for the most part.

Why is the world so boring? There’s been four Arkham games set in Gotham and this looks like a dark rainy Chicago or something. Its just visually unimpressive.

Why is the combat so fucking lame? Freeflow combat was limited, but it was FUN. You sought out fights to watch Batman beat some candy asses. This game is just boring. It’s the same two or three basic attack animations over and over.

Also the game opens on this lame as fuck cutscene where anorexic Batman somehow loses to Ra’s Al Ghul on his home turf. How is that a thing? Who in the fuck can defeat Batman IN THE BATCAVE?!?

I went in with low expectations and got it on Gamepass. After 90 min I just uninstalled it. I don’t think I will ever play another WB Montréal title. This game is like a joke. I feel bad for the people that paid $70+ for this game.

  • EtheusRookB
    10 months ago

    I didn’t like it. I more than anyone else was the target audience for this game, and it was still the gaming equivalent of eating drywall.