Hi, the title says it all but here’s the rundown text I got from a family friend. Feels like malware but hoping for solutions. They have bought new computers and it still spread. Thanks !

“Hey bro, how’s everything going? I was wondering do you or your brother know anyone in cyber security? Our network was hacked and they’ve been wreaking havoc in our lives for the last month in a half. Your cousin is a wreck, hasn’t slept in idk how long and we’re all about to snap. The hacker is remote accessing all her devices and every time we change passwords etc they go right in and change them again. Moving and deleting folders, taking screen shots while you’re sitting at the computer you name it. We’ve exhausted every effort and spent thousands we don’t have on programs, IT guys etc and still we are being compromised. Any help would be appreciated.”

Update: Additional text

I found a guy from a company in wake forest and he’s been no help at all and has only caused us more stress. He actually texted me the other day and said our hacker is now hacking him. lol

  • jmnugentB
    10 months ago

    You keep adding more and more “updated text” to these descriptions… but the circular wording still seems very vague.

    What actual evidence does this person have ?.. Screenshots of anything at all ?

    “I think all my stuff is hacked” is not evidence of anything.

    “We’ve downloaded every malware and antivirus known to man,”

    Again… this is really vague. Specifically which and what programs were used ?.. Do they have screenshots of the Log.txt each scan finishes with ?

    With such a vague description… really nothing can be concluded. If it was “something wrong with the Router”,. that certainly would affect all the devices… but it doesn’t prove “you were hacked by some super-hacker”. Could just be DNS corruption or ISP problems or ?..

    The most effective and accurate way to fix these kinds of problems… is to get SPECIFIC and CLEAR evidence. If all the supposed victim does is talk in vague circles, you’ll get nowhere attempting to fix this.