• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • I like to think I have pretty good macOS experience (been doing it for about 10 years now)… but there are limits to my knowledge :P … so I’ll just throw some ideas out of things in my head.

    • I’d like to think in the Utilities \ CONSOLE \ System Log… there’s some way to Search or query there to see what’s invoking Fans… but I could be wrong ? (I’m googling this now but not coming up with much yet)

    • I would tend to believe that Fan-speeds and almost entirely controlled by system-temperatures ? (that an App cannot just request Fan spin-up,. the system would only allow that if Temps start to spike ?)…but I honestly don’t know macOS internals deep enough to say that for sure.

    Your temps look fine,. which leads me to think maybe there’s an App or some system-hook running on your system that’s causing this,. but I’m kinda drawing a blank brainstorming how to track that down.

    There’s been other questions like this in years past for things like “How do I figure out what App is waking up my MacBook when it’s asleep in my bag?”… and your question seems similar. I just don’t know (especially on newer Apple Silicon and newer versions of macOS) whether Apple even allows you to see what’s causing Fans to invoke at higher speeds. (especially since all the KB articles for Apple Silicon basically just say “Shutdown and Restart your system” (makes it seem like it’s all controlled by Firmware and there’s really no “user settings” for deeper fan control. )

  • On those types of mounts, the TV usually lifts UP. I’ve seen several different kinds of Locks though

    • On some. there’s a cord dangling down behind. The cord is attached to a spring loaded release latch. So you kinda need 1 person to pull the cord while 2 others lift the TV up and off.

    • I’ve seen others that have some sort of “release bolt” that you have to unlatch or slide outward a little … then the TV should lift up and off

    But yeah,. there’s usually some kind of “locking mechanism” or “retention bolt” or etc… that you have to figure out how to release before the TV will lift up and off.

  • You keep adding more and more “updated text” to these descriptions… but the circular wording still seems very vague.

    What actual evidence does this person have ?.. Screenshots of anything at all ?

    “I think all my stuff is hacked” is not evidence of anything.

    “We’ve downloaded every malware and antivirus known to man,”

    Again… this is really vague. Specifically which and what programs were used ?.. Do they have screenshots of the Log.txt each scan finishes with ?

    With such a vague description… really nothing can be concluded. If it was “something wrong with the Router”,. that certainly would affect all the devices… but it doesn’t prove “you were hacked by some super-hacker”. Could just be DNS corruption or ISP problems or ?..

    The most effective and accurate way to fix these kinds of problems… is to get SPECIFIC and CLEAR evidence. If all the supposed victim does is talk in vague circles, you’ll get nowhere attempting to fix this.

  • Anything is possible,… but the odds of that would make it so close to 0 as to be ridiculously unlikely.

    Whatever malicious payload was in the file,. would have had to been designed and crafted specifically to target YOUR system (whatever unique combination of vulnerabilities your system has)

    Besides the fact that nobody is really writing TXT files to mass-target random Users. It’s a really inefficient way to do that (because you’re banking on some random User even opening the file).

    It’s like asking… “If I see a random cardboard box on the side of the road,. what are the odds it has the exact correct Spark Plugs that would work in my engine ?”… pretty close to 0.

  • “If I buy a Windows laptop is there a way to still be able to share files, copy+paste across devices, etc?”

    Not as tightly as in Apple’s ecosystem,. no.

    Apps obviously exist on both platforms (for example if you use Evernote on Windows and Evernote on iPad… you’ll see the same stuff). But that’s not really what you’re asking.