I really tried to like this game and I think I gave it a fair chance, but holy hell I have never experience combat in a game that was so infuriatingly garbage. It is literally just luck, everything you ever do comes down to pure randomness and nothing else. It doesn’t matter how skillful of a play you make, it can be screwed over if you are just unlucky.

The breaking point for me was when my big DPS character missed an attack that would’ve more or less won the fight despite having advantage on top of an already high chance to hit, then my tank immediately got critical hit by two different enemies in a row and died.

This experience has taught me to never play some RPG shit instead of just grinding fighting games. I will return to playing Street Fighter 6 and basically nothing else.

  • clothangerB
    10 months ago

    this is the first time i’ve ever seen anyone comparing a fighting game to a RPG, huh.

    i guess the added modern control which removes complicated inputs for combo does also add these types of gamers into the pool.

  • piedpiper30B
    10 months ago

    It’s the only fully agreed GOTY, this just wrong.