I never had the issue as a professional chef. My diet consists of poutine and mountain dews. I take my daily poops in the morning before work. It is routine. If I need to take a leak it is before game. I had a sb report me for reporting him because he was afk first 4 min into game after pick phase. Like the world will stop for him releasing. It was a stomp like his toilet after use. There is a medical study, the study, which included 13 elite triathletes, found that defecation prior to cycling enhanced cerebral perfusion, therefore delaying fatigue. In other words, athletes who pooped before cycling at 80% VO2max, with a five-minute warmup prior, performed better because they were able to utilize oxygen more efficiently. Please poop before your games. Thanks

  • ThornlessCactusB
    10 months ago

    [please dont downvote me, this is just a joke, ffs chill man] For people with IBD/IBS, any advice? And for men with scary, muscular, gym hoe wives?