• FuckTheCrabfeastOPB
    10 个月前

    I do think Justin showed a lot of good yesterday and made enough plays to win the game. We can always nitpick on should he have done this or that, other players stepping up, etc. but that’s not what this thread is about. This is about the pending decision on the direction to go at QB and HC and tying the two together. I think what is sometimes lost in the discussion of what happens at QB after this season is the fact that what happens with the coaching staff really plays a really big role in that decision as well. I highly doubt there is a large contingency of people here who feel Eberflus and Getsy should survive after this season. Yet we have a large group of fans who want to retain Fields. But then you must answer the question on whether or not it is wise to not let the new coaching staff handpick their QB. We constantly complain that we never time up our hires correctly when it comes to having the GM, Coach and QB all in sync and on the same timeline. Like when we paired Nagy with Mitch – it was an arranged marriage that then led to questions about Nagy not wanting Mitch, Nagy made Pace go get Foles, etc. And we did the same thing with Justin being paired with this staff and tasking them to make it work with a QB they had no part of in the decision-making process when we drafted him. Do we really want to go down that same path? Like I get it, in a perfect world Justin shows he is that dude and we have 2 first rounders to spend on other positions. But unless you are OK with bringing back this staff, we’re basically repeating our mistakes of the past. And I am not here saying 100% we should or should not move on from Justin, I just think if we opt to do so, keeping the staff intact is likely the best decision as well. And after yesterday’s coaching blunders that’s also a tough pill to stomach.