I am not a mid player, I can play whatever role that isn’t mid. I’m absolutely terrible at mid and I’d much rather play hard countered support game than ever touch mid. Can Valve do something about it, or will other players have to suffer with their incompetent token farming non-mid mid player?
They really should give you full role q credit if you have both supp roles picked.
sounds like a “you” problem
I always get supports even though I’d love to play pos2 or pos3 in autofilled games
Just swap with your teamates " anyone wants to play mid"?
Pick some braindead tanky mid hero with wave push like Necro, Sandking, Underlord and farm your way to victory. You don’t even need to interact with the enemy mid laner, just push the wave and farm.
Same as you. My mid role is not strong. I got 2 options:
Swap with someone willing to play mid/is a mid player.
Proceed to play some hero mid. One of the best neutral mid is DK. Solid laner, tanky, initiator and tower pusher. And his mechanics r simpler compared to natural mids like Spirit bros, Invoker, TA, OD, Puck and all.
you will learn to improve by doing things you are not used to. in this role especially you will learn that you should not flame mid, that rotations have a devasting impact on the lane and that screaming for help at mid when you have nothing accomplishes - nothing
Why don’t you just ask someone for swap? In not mid player but when in hard supp i would swap 9 times out of 10
Literally just say “can anyone mid?” and i’m sure lot of players would be happy to swap