Pudge main here, pudge is shite dont pick it
Killing bear twice removes 20k networth from enemy for 120 sec? check
we dont say anything out of ordinary, we just have shit internet that happens to disconnect 2-5 times out of 100 games and thats -2/-5k behavior score.
inb4 “BuT I gOt FroM 3K tO 12K iN jUsT 2 weEks”, where?? show proof
i can’t, ok? my poop only comes after hearing the match found sound.
Literally just say “can anyone mid?” and i’m sure lot of players would be happy to swap
true, i think after some changes it got bugged and if devs see this thread it will be fixed asap, because it was already implanted.
lol i just checked and i only received 3 low prio. no matchmaking timeout whatsoever. haha very nice way of preventing leavers from abandoning.
how come i can queue right away now? i’m sure i have abandoned 3 out of 20 matches.
now imagine instead of low prio, i’d receive 72hour ban from matchmaking, hell even add 3 low prio on top of it. BUT dont reduce behavior score. i’m not behaving bad, i’m simply leaving. it’s two different things any wise man would agree.
or he was secretly pissed that the dude picked am carry who has shit ags. also pissed that our mid last picked slark and lost lane hard. since he was premuted, i assume this is true