Game balancing is a thankless and laborious job requiring balancing infinitely many variables. A simple change can break the game. This idea amuses me endlessly.
Come up with a simple change to a single operator’s loadout or ability that would appear insignificant at a glance, yet break the game.
Your reward is a brief and fleeting rush of dopamine from seeing your upvote count, followed by existential anxiety as you realize how meaningless and arbitrary your life is.
I will start. Please make funnier ideas than me. Consider each suggestion as if it were lone change.
Gadgets: Hard Breaches added as 3rd option.
Secondary Weapon: Added SMG-11
ARMOR: 1 (from 3)
SPEED: 3 (from 1)
Primary Weapon: Added 2x Scope to DP-27
Primary Weapon: Added M762 as a secondary option.
Ability: Kunai barriers now require a hard breach to destroy.
Primary Weapon: Added M762 as 3rd option.
Primary Weapon: Added DP-27 as an additional option.
You can’t put grenades (all types) back in your inventory if the pin has already been pulled. You must commit.