So I run a very small gift shop in a town which is mostly financially supported by travelers/tourists. I hand make a lot of my items, and have built the business up from nothing. My friend however stops through when she is in this part of the state. She travels full time in a bus, so she carries all of her goods and such with her. But she only rolls through during major holidays and times when business is at its best. When she stops through she places all of her inventory in front of my place, and attempts to pull my customers in before they even get to my entrance. I don’t want to be greedy, or discouraged her from making and selling souvenirs and whatnot. But I rely on my income from my shop to support me. How should I handle this situation? Should I just let it go and lose 2 weeks of typical income? Or should I ask her to move away from my store front? I’ve spent a significant amount of time landscaping and making it eye catching, and I feel like she is taking advantage of the hard work I’ve done, and attempting to give the impression that it’s her place. I don’t know what to do, honestly.

  • uberbewbB
    10 months ago

    As it has been repeatedly said.
    If she was your friend she would’ve struck a deal, this is literally hindering your business. Especially during growing times and a busy season for buying stuff.

    I’m willing to bet there are laws against this in your area and the cops could handle your assertive elements.

  • guymclarenzaB
    10 months ago

    Tell her to Fuck Off, friendship is friendship, but you need to feed your family

  • thejerkgrillB
    10 months ago

    Us kind and shy people always get taken advantage of address the situation however your heart directs you to. That’s a bitch move by her!! Just be blunt. This is how I make my living and you’re taking my customers.that’s not ok you are not allowed to sell in front of my shop.

  • SolarSanta300B
    10 months ago

    I know this feeling so well. You don’t want to be an asshole or come across as greedy or heartless. The reality is this business is your livelihood, whether friends, family, or anyone else recognizes or respects that. Prioritize your business first and let others decide how they want to interpret that. Ironically, as soon as you start doing that people will respect or at least accept it.

    She is not dumb, she knows she’s taking advantage. If she recognizes that she’s benefitting from the flow of traffic in front of your store, then she has to recognize that she’s taking it from you. If she doesn’t recognize it or acts like it’s not a big deal then she can’t complain about moving from your store front as it is a big deal to you. Any motivation she has to specifically post up in front of your store is also acknowledgement that she is taking business from you.

    Again, I really feel for you on this. Some of us are not trying to be selfish and want to try to be generous and fair. Remind yourself that this is not a trivial thing. Regardless of how big the business is, it’s cost you a lot of your time and other resources. It is not a joke or a hobby for you, so protect it. If others fail to understand that, fuck them. They will not be paying your bills.

  • NoooofunB
    10 months ago

    See if her products are bringing in customers.

    If it is, Buy out her inventory at a discounted rate, and sell it within your shop.

    And set up a stall in front of your shop, do exactly what she does.

  • devonthed00dB
    10 months ago

    When you know she’ll be rolling through, park all your cars in front. Employees and your real friends cars too.

    Or just tell her to fuck off & go park her shit in front of your competitor’s store down the street.

  • Independent-Room8243B
    10 months ago

    So you have a store/physical location? Is it a public sidewalk in front of it? Can you set something up out there so she cant?

    Report her to the village, I doubt she gets a vendor license.

    Short of that, tell her to “Beat it Queen”

  • AndrewSmart321B
    10 months ago

    someone who takes advantage of you financially is not your friend, and that includes depriving you of your income.

    If you confront her and she takes it badly, she is NOT your friend. If she is shocked at herself for not realising and will ensure she won’t do it again, she could possibly be your friend.

    Remember, friends have to like each other, not just one-way.

    Also, good on your for being an entreprenuer!!

  • escahpeeB
    10 months ago

    I believe competition is good for business. It stirs things up and gets a frenzy going so people buy more stuff. Here’s what happened to me. I lowered my prices to a point where the other person couldn’t compete. During this time people were buying more stuff. My volume went thru the roof. The other guy finally left and now I’m here selling more stuff than I can get my hands on.

  • sjd1009B
    10 months ago

    “She lives full time in a bus”

    I’ve met dozens of people just like your “friend”

    She probably acts all “free spirited” and “Hippie Dippy” Doesn’t comply to conventional norms, shuns capitalism etc… These seemingly “carefree people” are in my experience the worst. They’re actually greedy af and hide behind not caring or needing for money. It usually comes from being entitled early in life. She’s not your friend and probably not someone you should be around. She grew up spoiled and no-one ever told her no and now she lives in a van thats actualy super expensive to maintain but its ok because she inherited a bunch of money somehwere and doest realize you need to make your own

  • sjd1009B
    10 months ago

    “She lives full time in a bus”

    I’ve met dozens of people just like your “friend”

    She probably acts all “free spirited” and “Hippie Dippy” Doesn’t comply to conventional norms, shuns capitalism etc… These seemingly “carefree people” are in my experience the worst. They’re actually greedy af and hide behind not caring or needing for money. It usually comes from being entitled early in life. She’s not your friend and probably not someone you should be around. She grew up spoiled and no-one ever told her no and now she lives in a van thats actualy super expensive to maintain but its ok because she inherited a bunch of money somehwere and doest realize you need to make your own

  • WYLFriesWthatB
    10 months ago

    I would report her for operating a business without a permit and let the authorities handle it. Make sure to donate to your local police charity.

    Your only friends in business are the ones who aid in your success.