My car kept heating up throughout the week then battery died and we replaced it and checked fluids and everything. Afterwards car wouldn’t start so naturally I took it to my mechanic for a diagnostic, after about an hour he called me that the engine blew because it didn’t have water?.. and I’d need a new engine for 6k… I don’t have 6 k so I was just going to bring it home and figure it out later. My dad is upset that the mechanic should’ve checked beforehand. What can I do?

  • DescriptionTrue4847B
    10 months ago

    Replace the engine and use this as a lesson to check your fluids and never run a car hot. Over heating should have been the initial complaint when first brought in. If you come in for just a battery, it’s probably not going to be noticed that you have no coolant or little coolant because changing a battery is simple. Most times you spend less than 5 minutes under the hood, get it in and then out