Valve communcated. They are working on a big patch for the next few months, this letter patch is to let us through this period without TI meta heroes.
Then you guys bash them for communicating?
This is exactly why they stopped communicating in the first place! What are you guys doing, trying to stop them from communicating?
Honestly, criticism and suggestions are fine. Maybe they should make 2 big patches a year instead of 1 huge patch a year, then the second big patch would come around December. That’s a good suggestion. Saying Dota is dead and that the devs are only working the minimum to have their salary is not good. Maybe the next patch is just as big as The New Frontiers update, you guys don’t know.
people crying are mostly low mmr players. The changes they did are very nice to be fair.
For example, bristleback they punished the collapse build of not maxing E so you do more damage, now you do less damage.
Spirit Breaker nerfed farming speed which was what made him broken, SB is not good if he have same farm as enemy offlaner. Now his timings will be delayed.
CK was strong because of his insane laning ability, you can’t harras him because he will hit next wave and get full hp again. Now we will see CK being crushed in lane and the hero won’t be op.
Dark Willow carry build is gone because now you have few seconds of invulnerability which makes her very killable.
Kunkka nerfs are enough to make him picked but not op as before. You can now fight in his torrent. His team is less tanky now because the rum is nerfed.
Muerta support is weaker and now pro players may not pick her because you can’t flex her to carry.
Treant which is a hero i played alot in this patch, i think the nerfs hurt him alot. What made the hero strong is his first 2 levels in lane which he dominated. It is a hero that wants slows and early boots to get kills in lane. That movespeed nerf means you can do less autoattacks now than before, and treant autoattacks are 100 damage. Movespeed nerf on treant is damage nerf too.
midas is nerfed buy it is not destroyed completely. Now you may not see it on supports because item like pavise is buffed so you have to make a decision.
IDK why the some people are crying, these are good nerfs and they will allow new picks in the next major.