• Kind-Star-3703B
    10 months ago

    I am a lone druid spammer divine player with 500+ games on the hero and 60% over all WR (70% last month).

    I think it’s perfect for him to not be touched by this patch. He is good but only in the right hands. Like thinker… You just don’t pick lone druid and start owning just because… He is totally played against. But of course you need to have somewhat decent picks vs him and strategy. Justike PL will free win in late game if there is no illusion clear. Lone druid will stomp the early and mid if no proper solution is proposed.

    Good supports vs him are:

    -Dark willow. The brambles make It hard to advance with both units. Specially before shard on lone druid. Also the uncklicable spell of dark willow it’s good kiting.

    -Sky it’s somewhat decent if you can silence and ult before lone druid ults. But if he catches you off ward you die instantly

    -Witch doctor it’s by far the best support to kill lone druid given you know how to position properly. Lone druid survives because high armor and life steal. But doctor has pure damage and whith his shard he can’t hit you so no life steal. Also you can perma stun if you catch hero + bear with casket stun.

    -Invoker even as support has too much kiting spells and lone druid does not really want to buy bkb.

    -Pugna can be pretty decent with his high speed in lane. Hits a lot and has decrepify.

    -Ancient apparition if hits its ultimate allows bear to not be survivable any more. Good lone druid players will avoid being hit by it. But many won’t.

    The best thing to shut down lone druid is for you or your team to call when he resummons his bear in lane. If you gank him with the extra support or mid laner you ruin his game. If he loses 2 bears in a row. Or resummons + die it’s almost 2 min of being dead. Best time to gank him is around min 5:30 to 7. He usually gets difusal from min 7 ish if he rushes, so he won’t have it and will be lv 4 or 5. So no ult he dies easy. You can gank him 2 times in that time frame. Or gank + wait for his respawn and insta kill him. Usually you respawn and go careless again (not good players but most will do). Lone druid it’s the worst hero by far to die 2 times in a row.

    If lone druid does not have good lane he does not recover at all by farming. He farms slow. Only way of recovering is by getting his good fights, so after doing this don’t be alone where he might be, stay with team and you can keep killing him because he will be weak and under lvled.