So the question is simple, who’s the better player out of the two , Fred vanvleet or Kevin Martin, had an argument with my friend and he’s convinced that Kevin Martin was actually the better player cause he could score better but I told him it’s more to basketball than scoring , what do you guys think ?

  • IHateYouKidsB
    10 months ago

    This is pretty subjective.

    Speed Racer was more of a foul merchant than Luka or Harden. Very fast with a money 3 and good FTs. He played no defense though he tried which is kinda worse.

    Now compare that to FVV and make your decision.

    For me I don’t even watch FVV and it’s still him

  • SoupyWolfyB
    10 months ago

    I watched a lot of Kevin Martin as a Wolves fan and I’d definitely take FVV.

    Kevin was a terrific spot up 3 point shooter. Outside of that he wasn’t a playmaker, couldn’t create his own shot, couldn’t rebound, and most importantly… did not play a lick of defense.

    FVV may not be as pure of a shooter, but he does all those other things better. KMart was great if you need a 3, but championship teams do not have turnstile defenders on them. If they do, then those guys are elite in all other areas of the game and not just 1