After aging 50 years last night, I am still processing this win….huge shout out to the defense

I know we are all so unbelievably frustrated with Brian Johnson (and have been for weeks!!!) and Nick even said Jalen audibled to that dime to Smitty. Do you think Sirianni will finally start to see what we’ve been seeing all season and make changes, will Jalen start leaning into the Peyton Manning audible method, or are we stuck with Brian Johnson and his repertoire of 3 play options?

  • Rah_Rah_RU_RahB
    10 months ago

    Funny how a lack of execution on screens makes them bad calls. Until the guys actually block, they work, then BJs just lucky

  • stevebredditB
    10 months ago

    I’m not in love with Brian Johnson. There are definitely times where I wonder what we’re doing. But we’re one of the top scoring offenses in the league. We’re 9-1. We just scored the second most of anyone all season on the Chiefs, on three long touchdown drives. All of our metrics are comparable to last season, but as everyone loved to point out, we had a cupcake of a schedule last season. This season is much different. AND WE ARE STILL WINNING. And dude is in his 10th game as an offensive coordinator. It’s not long he’s been an OC for 10 years and he’s always been like this. Give the guy a chance to figure it out WHILE HE’S STILL SUCCESSFULLY LEADING THE OFFENSE OF THE TOP TEAM IN THE LEAGUE.

    Additionally, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the season where Hurts looked the best (last season) was the ONE SEASON in his whole career from college onwards where he had the same offensive system two seasons in a row. I think continuity in system is vastly underrated as a predicator of success. Changing coordinators, now or after the season, is only going to set us BACK.

    If our offense was performing terribly, sure, pull the trigger. But right now I’m much more inclined to keep at it and keep the continuity.

    • Undergrad26B
      10 months ago

      The impatience and knee jerk reactions of this sub is just legendary. If this sub has its way we would have fired Sirianni after his press conference and traded Jalen for Watson or Russ in 2021.

  • birria_tacos_B
    10 months ago

    It just feels like our weapons are being completely under utilized due to the lack of creativity. I’m not expecting our offense to consist of pre-snap motions and unorthodox formations but the fact that we have two elite route running receivers and don’t have more short-intermediate pass plays designed for them is just mind boggling.

    The reason why Jalen is taking more hits and committing more turnovers this season is that most of our plays are long developing plays that requiring the line to have to block longer and for Jalen to hold onto the ball longer. It’s like our offense is predicated on QB designed runs and deep shots down the field, in a similar vain as how the Phillies were dependent on trying to hit home runs rather than trying to hit singles/doubles to get on-base.

    The fact that it took until this week to finally use Swift the way he’s meant to be used is another sign. Swift is a pass catching dominate receiver, he excels when he gets the ball in space to make plays but for most of the season we’ve been using him as a downhill/between the tackles runner on delayed handoffs and RPO’s. Theres no reason why he shouldn’t be getting more designed toss plays, end arounds, sweeps, screens and be involved in the short pass game in general.

    When we face teams with an elite dline late in the season we need to get the ball out sooner, if we’re solely reliant on the deep shots down the field it’s going to end up costing us.