I understand the guy is a writer for the team, but jeez have some cahones and don’t be scared to call out a team that is horribly built and worse than it was a couple seasons ago. He has been defending a god awful team for this entire Weaver rebuild and is so scared to not be buddies anymore with the front office. For this kind of guy to be the main writer for the pistons at this point is super frustrating, he’s just always deflecting.

  • DoeJumarsB
    10 months ago

    I actually used to like him but the more I heard him on the B&C pod and his “talk to me nice” about lame ass “breaking news” or whatever he’d “call first” or his twitter back and fourth with ppl, I think he takes himself far too serious. Like, relax bruh…I think he isn’t critical because his job is to try and be as cool as possible with these guys so he can get stories and inside scoops for his stories but no need to act like fans are crazy when the takes are rational AF (like Ivey starting).