As a European, the NBA is fairly new to me. But it’s an exciting sport to watch. So far we’ve watched a couple of games and I really enjoy how the SA Spurs play. I really liked how Collins is playing and find it hilarious when Wembanyama just grabs a ball out of the air in front of the basket. The 3-pointers he shoots are beautiful.
But… I don’t wanna fan up completely to a team, based on 1 or 2 games I’ve watched, in a sport that I don’t fully understand.

Can anyone educate me about where to go look for historic reference, mentality of clubs and players etc etc. And how do the Spurs fit in the regular American viewer?

  • Parlett316B
    10 months ago

    Go with the team with your favorite color scheme or logo. Style of play will change with personnel, coaching staffs and front offices so what you like today may not be what they are doing next year.