What is your age? and which watch type do you prefer and use? why?
Do you ever feel like a smart watch is distracting? (when working for example. Notifications, messages, social media and so on…)
21 only analog watch
36, The Apple Watch inspired me to buy a real analog watch, because I realized that I really despise the AW at my core. I was going to a wedding and thought to myself it was the absolute last thing I wanted with me. Nowadays I have a Garmin that I wear for workouts and activities where I don’t want to damage an expensive watch. Analog watches the rest of the time.
Because this is r/watches and not r/apple, I think it’s safe to assume that most people here wear analog watches at least primarily, if not exclusively.
Twice I was gifted smart watches and twice they got forgotten in a drawer after one week.
I don’t want to charge a watch every day. I don’t want a watch that glows. I don’t like the way they look. Outside sports, they don’t offer me any useful functionality.
It really has nothing to do with wearing analog watches. I’d rather wear nothing than wearing a smart watch.